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Another study attempts to investigate pre-exhaust and fails miserably.
Training Troubleshooting: Get Fit in Fewer Days
Don't let a tight weekly schedule prevent you from doing the program – and getting the results – you want.
Training Troubleshooting: Get Fit in Less Time
Not enough hours in your day to train? Don't skip your workout. Just do it more efficiently with these time-saving simple strategies.
Training Troubleshooting: Get Ripped with Less Equipment
Go long on muscle- and strength-building results even when you're short on equipment with these tips.
Travis Haney
This Army soldier got extremely shredded at age 46 doing the Summer Shred Challenge.
Travis Oxenreider
This Pennsylvania native went from sedentary to shredded after a "rude awakening."
Treadmill Tip: Go Backwards
One simple tweak can spark new results in your treadmill or elliptical machine cardio workout.
Treadmill Tips
Most lifters dread cardio—especially the treadmill. These tips may have you re-thinking your stance on this tried-and-true cardio machine.
Tyler Mather
A change needed to be made for this young husband and father to be healthier and happier – and he made it happen.