
The Training
Method That
Never Fails

4 Weeks to More Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

• Track every workout with the JS mobile app
• Classic drop set training for fast results
• Five time-efficient weekly workouts
• Customizable diet plans
• HIIT cardio options for increased fat burning 
• Support from JYM Army Facebook group

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Real Users, Real Results!

Kevin Joel Sundell

Monique2 Natalie Davis

Jim Josh Winkler

Drop Set Countdown: A New Level of Training Intensity

Drop sets have been a staple of serious training for over half a century—now here’s a modern twist on the technique. This program is a new way to push past muscle failure, utilizing a 10-to-1 rep scheme to drive workout intensity. 


Website and App

Diet Plan



The Workout

Drop Set Countdown follows a 5-days-per-week split, targeting each muscle group once a week with extreme intensity. For those with a tighter schedule, there’s also an optional 4-day variation. Every workout employs drop sets exclusively to force your muscles to grow and adapt.

Rest is minimal—just long enough to lower the weight before continuing—to keep workouts time-efficient. If fat loss is a primary goal, HIIT cardio can be added between muscle groups or at the end of each workout for an extra metabolic boost.

The Meal Plan

Nutrition will be your catalyst for maximizing lean muscle gains. With Drop Set Countdown, you can choose between various meal plans that complement your goals. If you want to build size and strength, follow the Muscle-Building Nutrition Rules. If fat loss is the priority, Dieting 101 will help you shed fat while preserving muscle mass.


The Supps

Push through every workout with maximum intensity and build more muscle with class-leading supplements. These JYM products will help you train harder, recover faster, and see faster results.

Pre JYM Plus 

Elevate your energy, muscle pumps, strength, and endurance in the gym.

Pro JYM 

Premium (and delicious) protein blend to fuel muscle growth and optimize recovery.

Alpha JYM X

Supports natural testosterone levels to enhance performance and strength.


Drop Set Countdown – Four Weeks to Being Bigger, Leaner, and Stronger

This is no ordinary workout plan. If you’re ready to push your body to the limit, transform your physique, and achieve results that stick, try Drop Set Countdown. Put in the work, and in four weeks you’ll be glad you did!


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