Accessing Articles
From Desktop/Laptop
To access the hundreds of Articles available on the site directly when using a desktop or laptop PC, choose Articles from the navbar at the top of the screen. You can select All Articles (1) to be taken to the main Articles page, or you can narrow your results by selecting a specific topic: Featured Meal Plans, Training (2), Nutrition (3), Supplements (4), or Health as shown below.
On Mobile Browser
To view Articles from a mobile browser, select the Hamburger Icon (2) from the navbar at the top of the screen, and choose Articles. As when viewing from a desktop or laptop PC, you can opt to view All Articles (2), or select from Featured Meal Plans, Training, Nutrition, Supplements, or Health for Articles on those specific topics.
Using the App
To browse Articles using the Jim Stoppani app, simply follow the instructions for finding and using the Search Bar in the app, found above.