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Adam Subervi

He finally found a workout and healthy meal plan he could stick to.

Adam Subervi

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In fitness, doing hard things pays off. The easy road never does.

Adam Subervi learned this the rewarding way while doing my 2024 Summer Shred Challenge (which incorporated my Xtreme Shredded 8 workout program). It wasn’t easy, but the results were worth it.

“This 8-week challenge was tough, as I went from working out four days a week to six,” says Adam. “I began watching what I ate and the quality of what I was consuming, which was tough for me, as I’m a big sweets and pizza guy. I’m so glad I put in the work, though. I began seeing real progress halfway through the challenge, and in the final weeks I noticed it compounding more and more with each weekly check-in. I successfully raised my max weights on all notable lifts and started seeing my abs again while putting on mass!” 

Adam’s goals going into the Summer Shred Challenge were, he says, “to complete it with my head held high, knowing I gave it my all.” 

Mission accomplished, with some dramatic results to show for it. Look at those before-and-after photos—this guy got jacked!

Adam’s Motivating Factors

Nothing provides a stronger “why” than having little ones at home watching you lead by example. 

“My biggest motivation is my kids, Rose (5) and Lily (2),” says Adam. “And at the start of this challenge, we found out that we’re expecting a baby boy at the end of the year! So this challenge meant much more to me, knowing that I needed to get myself right to show how important both physical and mental health are. Every time I wanted to take a day off or cheat on my meal plan, I thought about our soon-to-be baby boy and how I want to show him proper work ethic and dedication through example and not just words.”

The hardest part about taking on a lofty fitness goal is overhauling your lifestyle and stepping out of your comfort zone. The Summer Shred Challenge was that sort of undertaking for Adam. 

“I had been working out consistently for a while, but I’d never been able to stick to a meal plan,” he says. “I’ve also only ever done 3-4 workouts per week for as long as I can remember. So, this challenge meant I not only needed to eat cleaner and stick to a scientifically proven plan, but I also needed to step up my game in the gym and go six days a week. Sick, tired, rain, or shine, I had to buckle up my bootstraps and get myself in the gym.” 

Fortunately, Adam has a rock-solid partner who wants to see him succeed. “My lovely fiancé Angela has supported me every step of the way,” he says, “making sure to hold me accountable and push me to get the work in, even if she had to put more on her plate for that hour or two.”

Better Discipline, Better Life

To his credit, what finally got Adam into shape—other than finally adopting an effective workout plan and diet, thanks to JimStoppani.com —was developing better discipline

“The key to my success was really just doing the work and not finding excuses like I normally would,” he says. “It used to be, ‘Oh, I’ve eaten good all week, I’ll be fine,’ or ‘Eh, I’ve worked out hard the past few days, maybe I can skip a day.’ My toughest obstacle was definitely my sweet tooth. I love me some donuts, Cinnabons, cookies, you name it. Like clockwork, I normally would treat myself to a few snacks a day as long as I worked out and felt good.”

While he still endulges every now and then (he’s human, after all), his diet is vastly improved from before. And the positive effects are showing in all areas, including his love life.

“My fiancé has seen my body through all of my phases, and she said she’s never seen me in better shape,” says Adam. “She says not only do I look bigger and stronger than ever, but also more cut and defined. She can’t keep her hands off me!” 

Adam’s future plans include “ordering my next JYM Stack and hopping right into Jim’s Oxford Drop Sets program,” he says. “And my personal fitness goal is to finally compete in a Spartan race by next year.”

This guy is killing it!

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