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Gabriel Mccomber

This young father changed his diet, lifestyle, and training habits to get shredded.

Gabriel Mccomber

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Who says vague, non-specific goals can’t lead to success? Sometimes they do. 

Gabriel Mccomber’s journey to a leaner, stronger physique began with a rather ill-defined objective.

“When I started working out,” he says, “my only goal was to not be fat. I remember working at a warehouse unloading trucks with a hi-lo, and every time I hit the bump coming out, I'd feel my whole chest and belly bounce and jiggle. That was the moment I said, ‘Yeah, no, I can't have this." 

Initially, his results were noticeable but not overly impressive. He got really lean, but he did so by, in his words, “straving myself, and it wasn't maintainable.” It also wasn’t healthy, so he started eating more. But then, he got “pretty strong but was chunky.”

Finally, he discovered JimStoppani.com and JYM Supps , and things turned in a positive direction. His before and after photos may not show a drastic change in body weight, but the muscularity and leanness are undeniable.

Gabriel’s Path to Shredded

Gabriel first started seeing results with a past Summer Shred Challenge workout , and he’s been seeing consistent gains ever since.

“I've done so many of Jim's programs, I can't even remember them all,” he says. “But by far my best fat loss has come from SS8 and XS8 , and my best strength gains came from the 5-3-2 program.”

Where diet is concerned, he consistently eats four daily meals consisting of around 50 grams of protein, 25 grams of fat, and about 25 grams of carbs each, with one weekly cheat day. “Also, when possible, I don't eat past 7:00 pm,” says Gabriel. 

To hit his protein goals, enhance his workouts, and boost overall health, he supplements daily with Pro JYM , Pre JYM , Post JYM , Vita JYM , Omega JYM , ZMA JYM , and JYM D3/K2

Changing His Lifestyle for Optimal Results

To make muscle and strength gains that stick, Gabriel had to make some changes in his life. 

“I had to stop drinking the couple of beers I was drinking every day, stop smoking weed all day, every day, and stop eating exclusively junk food,” he says. “I used the money I would spend on those things to build a gym at home and buy supplements, and I honestly don't miss that way of living at all.”

Over the years, I've received plenty of compliments about my physique, but the one that sticks out the most is the first one I got after my first JYM program. I had just finished and happened to not be wearing a shirt when my friend Jeremy came over. I told him I finally bit the bullet and decided to pay for quality programs. He said, "Well, this is definitely the most progress you've had, so it was worth it."

Stepping up his daily routine hasn’t been easy, but Gabriel has plenty of motivation to keep him going.

“My toughest obstacle on my fitness journey was being a father, for sure,” he says. “Both my fiancée's and my families are very distant, so we've had to do everything with no help, which means both of us are always working and taking opposite shifts. It took me a while, but I slowly pieced together a home gym and have continued the journey ever since.

“My biggest motivation to start working out was that I saw my weight slowly getting out of hand. Since then, what keeps me at it is that (a) I just want to be fit and healthy, and (b) I see so many people who look old beyond their years and seem to struggle with daily life, and that's sad to me. I'd prefer to be active and fit until I go.”

Gabriel’s 3 Fitness Keys

“For anyone looking to achieve similar results,” says Gabriel, “I would suggest three things to get the ball rolling.” 

  1. Sign up for JimStoppani.com to get the best possible information. I think a lot of people get drowned in too much bro science on social media and the sheer amount of exercises they can do and just don't know where to start, so they don't. 
  2. Skip the trial and error phase with protein and get Pro JYM . I used to always get the cheapest protein I could find because my money was tight, but they always made my stomach hurt, and I'd have to drink them as fast as possible because they tasted horrible. Pro JYM, on the other hand, I genuinely enjoy drinking. Plus, Pro JYM has had a much better impact on my results. 
  3.  Take the small wins. At this point, I've ingrained working out into my life so tightly that it doesn't even take thought. I know every day I'm going to wake up, drink some coffee, and hit the gym. Everything else I do gets planned around that. Mixed with doing the handful of challenges Dr. Jim Stoppani drops, which I use periodically to reach new levels, I know I’ll be consistently reaching my potential and hopefully inspiring others to care of their health.

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