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Super Shredded 8 Diet — Phases 1 and 2

Diet and supplement plan for SS8.

Super Shredded 8 Diet — Phases 1 and 2

The Super Shreded 8 (SS8) diet is composed of seven different phases. What phase you start off with and what phase you end with in the eight weeks depends on what your current diet is and how well you lose body fat.

This is important to keep in mind: The SS8 diet phases don't necessarily correspond with the training weeks. You'll start the training program with week 1, of course, but you may not start the diet in Phase 1. And when you're in the final weeks of the program (weeks 7 and 8), you may not be in the final phase (phase 7) of the diet. Hopefully this isn't too confusing for you, but it will make sense as you read through the descriptions of each phase.

In a nutshell, you won't move onto the next phase of the diet until you've hit a fat-burning plateau on your current phase. So it's quite possible that you'll finish the eighth and final week of the program and still be in, say, phase 4 or 5 of the diet – provided that phase is still producing fat loss results. Just keep in mind that in the SS8 program, "weeks" and "phases" are two different things – "weeks" refers to the training, "phases" refers to the diet. This explains why there's 8 weeks of the training program but only 7 phases of the diet. I designed it this way for the simple fact that there's no reason to cut carbs (which is what most phases do) if your current carb intake level is continuing to produce good fat loss results.


If you are coming off of a mass gain phase, such as the diet in my Shortcut to Size  program or my Six Weeks To Sick Arms program, you will want to start at phase 1 of the SS8 diet. This is also a great diet to follow if your main goal is not fat loss but maximizing muscle mass and strength gains. Yes, you can use Super Shredded 8 to gain size and strength by focusing on using a mass-gaining diet.

For those of you who are already following a lower carb diet, Phase 3, 4 or 5 of the SS8 diet will probably be a better entry point for you. (Find Phases 3 and 4 here , and Phase 5 here .)

In Phase 1 you will consume about 16-17 calories per pound of body weight, 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight, and 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight. I've broken up the sample meal plans based on when you workout.

The sample diets are just one sample day. This does not mean that you should eat these exact foods every day. Refer to my Food Alternatives List for good food replacements to keep your diet from getting boring, and check out the wide variety of recipes I have in my nutrition section on the website. Also, use my Food/Nutrient Database to customize these meal plans to your own bodyweight.

Sample Phase 1 Meal Plan for those who train in the morning:

Preworkout Meal (Take 15-30 min. before workout)

1 scoop Pre JYM or Pre JYM X

1 scoop Pro JYM

Postworkout Meal (Take immediately after workout)

1-2 scoops Pro JYM

1 Scoop Post JYM Matrix

1 Scoop Post JYM Fast Carbs/Dextrose

Breakfast (eat about 30-60 min. after postworkout meal)

1 scoop Pro JYM

3 whole eggs

2 slices low-fat cheese

1 cup cooked oatmeal

1 Tbsp honey

¼ cup raisins

4 capsules Omega JYM fish oil

2-3 g CLA

2000-6000 IU Vitamin D

Late Morning Fat-Burning Supplements

1 dose Shred JYM or SS8 Advanced Fat Burner


1 can (5-6 oz.) tuna

2 slices whole-wheat bread

1 Tbsp light mayonnaise

1 dose Vita JYM

Mid-Day Fat-Burning Supplements

1 dose Shred JYM or SS8 Advanced Fat Burner

Mid-day Snack

1 cup Reduced fat Greek yogurt

1 Tbsp honey

1/2 oz. walnuts (7 halves) crushed

1 medium apple


8 oz. Top Sirloin steak

½ cup cooked brown rice

½ cup black beans

2 cups mixed green salad

2 Tbsp salad dressing (olive oil n vinegar based)

2-3 g CLA

Before Bed Supplements (Take 1 hour before bedtime snack)

1 dose ZMA JYM (females take 2/3 dose)

Bedtime Snack (Have immediately before bed)

1 cup lowfat cottage cheese

1 cup sliced pineapple

1 oz mixed nuts

2-3 g CLA

Totals: 3000 calories, 280 g protein, 280 g carbs, 90 g fat

Sample Phase 1 Meal Plan for those who train during their lunch break:

Wake Up Supplements (take immediately upon waking)

1 dose Shred JYM or SS8 Advanced Fat Burner

Breakfast (eat about 20-30 min. after morning supplements)

1 scoop Pro JYM

3 whole eggs

2 slices low-fat cheese

1 cup cooked oatmeal

1 Tbsp honey

¼ cup raisins

4 capsules Omega JYM fish oil

2-3 g CLA

2000-6000 IU Vitamin D

Preworkout Meal (Take 15-30 min. before workout)

1 Scoop Pre JYM or Pre JYM X

1 scoop Pro JYM

Postworkout Meal (Take immediately after workout)

1-2 scoops Pro JYM

1 scoop Post JYM Matrix

1 scoop Post JYM Fast Carbs/Dextrose

Lunch (Eat 30-60 min after postworkout meal)

1 can (5-6 oz.) tuna

2 slices whole-wheat bread

1 Tbsp light mayonnaise

1 dose Vita JYM

Mid-Day Fat-Burning Supplements

1 dose Shred JYM or SS8 Advanced Fat Burner

Mid-day Snack

1 cup Reduced fat Greek yogurt

1 Tbsp honey

1/2 oz. walnuts (7 halves) crushed

1 medium apple


8 oz. Top Sirloin steak

½ cup cooked brown rice

½ cup black beans

2 cups mixed green

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