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Best Rest Periods for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

The Rest Rundown technique could be your key to getting bigger, stronger, and leaner.

Best Rest Periods for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

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How long do you rest between sets during your workout? One minute? Two minutes? Thirty seconds?

When it comes to maximizing results, the debate over the perfect amount of rest between sets continues. Truth is, there is no perfect amount. 

That said, here’s a simple yet effective “trick” I like to use to build lean mass, gain strength, and drop body fat: my Rest Rundown method, where you progressively reduce rest periods between sets on a weekly basis.

The Science Behind Rest Rundown

A research study from Brazil backs up my use of this method. The researchers found that participants who reduced their rest periods by 15 seconds each week for eight weeks experienced more significant gains in upper arm and thigh muscle size compared to those who maintained a constant two-minute rest interval. This indicates that altering rest periods can be a powerful form of progressive overload, a principle crucial for muscle growth.

Implementing the Rest Rundown Technique

While most people frequently change the weight they lift or the number of reps they perform from workout to workout, week to week, and month to month, few consider modifying their rest periods — and that’s a big mistake. I would almost call rest periods the “forgotten training variable.”

Rest Rundown is a simple way of applying progressive overload without adding resistance. Rather, you gradually decrease the time you rest between sets while maintaining the same number of reps and the same weight.

Here's how it works:

  1. Start with a Baseline: In Week 1 (whatever week you want to start using the technique), use two minutes of rest between all sets.
  2. Progressively Reduce Rest Periods: Each week, reduce all rest periods in your workout by 15 seconds. After doing this for eight weeks, your rest periods will be down to 15 seconds between sets.
  3. Maintain Reps and Weight: Aim to complete the same number of reps with the same weight each week, despite the decreasing rest periods.

This strategy is tougher than it sounds! You might not always hit the “same reps, same weight” target in every workout, but the challenge itself will trigger metabolic changes in your muscles, leading to greater endurance, strength, and growth. The Rest Rundown technique can also significantly enhance fat loss due to the increased intensity and reduced rest.

Versatility of the Technique

The beauty of Rest Rundown lies in its flexibility. You can start with shorter rest intervals, such as 90 or even 60 seconds, and reduce by 15 seconds every one or two weeks. This gradual reduction allows your body more time to adapt to the shorter rest periods, making the transition smoother.

Rest Rundown in My Workouts

Incorporating Rest Rundown into your workouts can be a game changer in your training routine. Not only will it change things up and keep you from getting bored, but it also promises substantial results.

If you’d rather not try and incorporate it on your own, let me do it for you! I’ve included the technique in several of my workout plans on JimStoppani.com, including Unrested Development , 3x3 Rest Rundown , Full-Body 3x3 , SS8 , and XS8 .

Regardless of how you choose to implement Rest Rundown, I’m confident that you’ll love the results in both your physique and performance. It’s time to challenge yourself in a new way and reap the benefits of increased muscle growth, strength, and fat loss.



Souza-Junior, T.P., et al. (2011). Strength and hypertrophy responses to constant and decreasing rest intervals in trained men using creatine supplementation. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 8, 17.


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