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Cable Crossover Ladder

Blast every muscle fiber in your pecs!

Cable Crossover Ladder

If you've tried my Biceps Ladder and Triceps Ladder exercises then you know that whenever I attach the word "ladder" to an exercise or a muscle group there is going to be a lot of pain, but also a lot of great results from that pain.

The cable crossover ladder is no exception.

I love the cable crossover for targeting the chest because it hits both outer and inner pec muscle fibers.

Since it places a good stretch on the pecs in the start position, this helps to hit the outer pec muscle fibers. But since it also keeps constant tension on the pecs all the way through to the finish position, it also targets the inner pec muscle fibers.

Another great benefit of cable crossovers is the fact that the cable crossover stations in the gyms today allow you to place the pulleys at almost any height from the floor to above the head.

The pulley position you use for cable crossovers will change up what area of the chest you want to target. Having the pulleys set in the highest position maximizes the amount of focus placed on the lower pecs, while having the pulleys in the lowest position maximizes the focus on the upper pecs. Placing the pulleys at about shoulder height and keeping the arms parallel with the floor while you do cable crossovers places most of the focus on the middle pec muscle fibers. The higher you place the pulleys from shoulder height the more emphasis that is placed on the lower pecs. And the lower you place the pulleys from shoulder height, the more emphasis that is placed on the upper pecs.

A great way to blast just about every existing muscle fiber in your pecs from top to bottom and inner to outer is with my cable crossover ladder.

Just like my triceps ladder and biceps ladder, you start in the lowest position and move up one notch each time you reach muscle failure until you have reached the very top position. Choose a weight that limits you to about 8-12 reps in the first position. Each time you move the pulleys up one position, the exercise becomes slightly easier, which allows you to continue with little to no rest between positions. That's what you call an Extended Set. Plus, moving up one position each time gradually moves from targeting the upper pecs to the lower pecs and all muscle fibers in between.

To see the cable crossover ladder in action, click on the link below:


Try this sample chest workout that finishes off the pecs with the cable crossover ladder.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest
Reverse-Grip Bench Press 4 6-8 2-3 min.
Dumbbell Press 4 8-10 2-3 min.
Cable Crossover Ladder 1-2 8-12* -

choose a weight that limits you to 8-12 reps on the first position. Keep the weight the same on all successive positions and complete as many reps as possible until failure.

Download the workout by clicking the link below:

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