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Help Me Fight Cancer

I'm giving my razor the month off in November for a great cause.

Help Me Fight Cancer

A tough workout can put your body and mind to the test, but it doesn't hold a candle to the challenge we face in our fight against cancer. Thankfully, not all of us will get cancer, but we're all affected by this deadly disease, whether it has touched a family member, friend or acquaintance.

Heading into this year, the National Cancer Institute estimated that over 1.6 million new cancer cases would be diagnosed in 2014 and that 585,720 Americans would die of cancer in the same span – nearly 1,600 deaths per day. Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in this country, trailing only heart disease.

These are some sobering facts, to say the least, but we don't have to sit back and watch it continue to unfold at such an alarming rate. We can fight cancer and help save lives and November is the best month to do it.

In case you hadn't noticed in years past, it's No-ShaveNovember, when men across the country retire their razors (albeit temporarily) and let their facial hair grow wild to raise cancer awareness. It's also Movember, a similar cause that encourages guys to grow moustaches (hence the "Mo" prefix) for 30 days to raise awareness for men's health issues in general.

This month, I'm supporting both causes. Not only am I not shaving for No-Shave November (check out the above photo of my newly started beard), but all month long, I'm donating 100% of the profits from sales of my JYM leather weight belt key fobs (which cost only $3.99) to the American Cancer Society. So that the JYM Army women don't feel left out with all this facial-hair growth going on, I'm extending the same deal – 100% of profits to the American Cancer Society – for all JYM Women's Bella T-shirts sold in the month of November.

So, JYM Army men, get your facial-hair growth on with me this month and JYM Army ladies, get yourself a T-shirt. ALL JYM Army members: Get yourself, friends and family the weight belt key fobs to show your support for cancer research so we can get one step closer to eradicating this devastating disease. Get these items exclusively at my JYM Gear shop.

I would also like to highlight JYM Army member Justin Mills. Justin has done amazing work for the Movember Organization. Using the JYM system, he has prepared himself for a 500-mile journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles in just over three days – all in the name of men's health. It's great to see members of the JYM Army not only pushing themselves to their limits, but also doing it for a great cause. Justin has earned my donation. Help me make him the number-one donation recipient for all of Movember by donating here.

The JYM Army never ceases to amaze me. This November, I'd love to hear from other JYM Army members via social media about what you're doing to help raise cancer awareness through No-Shave, Movember and other great charities.

Every bit of support helps. According to the American Cancer Society, "the 5-year relative survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 2003 and 2009 is 68%, up from 49% in 1975-1977." With increased awareness via causes like No-Shave November and Movember, these survival rates will continue to climb as treatments keep improving. Early detection is critical to beating cancer, so let all the guys with beards be a reminder to get your annual doctor's checkup.

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