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4-Week Beginners Workout Plan

Just beginning your fitness journey or coming back from an extended gym hiatus? Start here!

4-Week Beginners Workout Plan

4-Week Beginners Plan Program Snapshot

  • Length: 4 weeks
  • Workouts per Week: 4
  • Training Split: 2-day split, repeated twice a week.
  • Equipment: Commercial gym or well-equipped home gym.
  • Level:  Beginner

If you're a beginner and need a routine that will get you in the gym and deliver results, this is a great one! This month-long plan will help guide you on your path to taking the first initial steps at making training an important part of your life.

The exercises employ a standard combination of free-weight movements that will introduce you to basic movements such as the bench press and squat. Many of the movements utilize a Smith Machine, which provides the benefit of gradually getting your muscles used to the way they should move during certain exercises.

Weekly Schedule

The nice thing about this program is that it's only four days a week. The volume is sufficient, but not too high. On larger muscle groups, you'll be doing two or three

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