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Ask the Doc: Upright Rows for Bigger Delts

Isolate each deltoid for maximal growth and minimal injury risk with the one-arm Smith machine upright row.

Ask the Doc: Upright Rows for Bigger Delts

I answer questions on training, nutrition and supplements literally everyday from countless JYM Army members and other inquiring minds via social media. But let’s face it, the 140 characters I’m limited to on Twitter isn’t always enough to get my point across. And even when I’m able to elaborate, some of my responses get lost in the Facebook madness. So what better place to answer more questions for JimStoppani.com subscribers than right here at my virtual home base?

Q: When I do upright rows, I feel it mainly in my traps. Is there a trick to targeting the delts more with upright rows?

A: If you do the barbell upright row with a close-grip (inside shoulder-width), it places a lot of the focus on the front delts and upper traps, since this hand position keeps your elbows in front of your body as you lift the bar (which targets the front delts) and allows you to end with your elbows much higher

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