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Video Tip Extra: Cable Shoulder Press Workout

Finish off your next shoulder workout with a muscle-building bang: one-arm cable shoulder presses. Here's the routine to follow.

Video Tip Extra: Cable Shoulder Press Workout

Barbell press, dumbbell press, machine press – all versions of shoulder presses you commonly see people doing at the gym. Yet hardly anyone uses the cable station for overhead pressing. Why not?

I have no clue. One-arm cable shoulder presses are a great multijoint exercise for the delts, and they're especially useful for people with existing shoulder injuries, as you're typically able to adjust the pulley height on the column to limit the range of motion so you don't go too far down at the bottom of the rep. I went over all the key technique cues of this exercise in a recent Tip of the Day video on my social network channels – I posted it below in case you missed it. 

This isn't just an exercise for people with bum shoulders, though. Cable shoulder presses are a great finishing move for anyone looking to cap off a delt

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